First Post - Jekyll short review

This is my first post in my own blog.

It driven by Jekyll. And firstly I describe my fillings about it.

I work with rails more then two years. And Jekyll is terrible. I had problems with process of plugin installing. And with themes.


I wanted to create Russian version of my blog. So I tried to setup internationalisation plugin. I didn’t win in the war with jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin yet. So there is nothing here.


Most of themes should be installed as empty Jekyll project. There are no problem to copy and paste your configs and posts to new Jekyll project. But what if you want to show three or four themes with you content to choose one of them? I have no practice with CMS, but I think that new themes should be pluggable.


Don’t worry about me. I’m ok;) Jekyll present a lot of fun for geeks. So enjoy Jekyll;)